CM Blogger

6 Quick Tips to please the Google Search Algorithm and Rank Higher

There’s no easy path to pleasing the great search engine algorithm in the sky but here’s a few proven tips. Yes there are proven ways to provide what Google wants so you can rank higher for the long term. Follow these suggestions, and watch your website rise the ranks to the top of search-engine results. It’s more important than ever that you produce consistent quality content and make that content be topic as well as keyword focused in order to rank…

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Google Ranking Factors Definitive List – 205 Ways Google Taunts You

Google’s Search Ranking Factors: The Complete and Definitive List Google uses about 205 ranking factors that drive their search algorithm. Here’s the Definitive List – Some of these are confirmed others speculated by experts.  It’s a bit of a monster but worth a read through at least once as it will help you identify specific issues on your websites that need attention that you may not have even considered to correct to help you rank higher. 1. Domain Age: Matt Cutts…

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Sitemaps and SEO Strategy

Sitemaps and SEO – and the Best Free Sitemap Generator What are Sitemaps? For the uninitiated sitemaps are a visual or textually organized model of a website’s content allowing a human user or an automated website crawler to more efficiently navigate through a website to find information. Sitemaps are a type of interactive table of contents, in which each listed item links directly to its counterpart sections within a website. Without a sitemap, it is nearly impossible for a user or…

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AB Testing and SEO – A Starter Guide

AB Testing: A Quick Guide to Split Testing and SEO What is AB Testing and how is it used? Simply put AB Testing is the process of comparing user behavior between two versions of a web page or specific page element that share a similar function and a similar user audience in order to determine which performs better for a specific goal metric. All monetized websites share a common goal of converting casual website visitors into engaged users that generate revenue…

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Technical SEO Top 10 on-page elements to fix first

Technical SEO Top 10 on-page elements to fix first Sitemap Just as the name suggests, a sitemap provides a map of your website that tells search engines the location of all the individual webpages in your site. These can be created using static or dynamic HTML and XML site maps that direct search engines as well as users to a single text or graphical page where all your links are located.  Online services are readily available that can be used to…

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SEO Reality

SEO Reality – Avoiding bad SEO information  Like anything in life if you want to become an expert at something you need to take the time and do your research.  Fortunately we live in a time where we have instant access to tons of information online on any topic including of course all things related to search optimization.  Much of that information however is just pure myth however with the SEO reality being far from it. Let’s try to separate some of the…

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It really is all about that engaging content.

Tired of everyone telling you that the key to driving quality organic traffic to your website is as simple as offering rich engaging content?  Well, they’re right.   Effective website marketing is a calculated marketing approach focusing on generating and distributing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to acquire and retain an online consumer audience as well as drive profitable action from those consumers. Some relevant quotes:  Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed.   – Dan Zarella Try not to become merely a man (or…

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